In my delightful storybook blog I generally skip over the not so comfortable stuff. Who wants to know about worries , sleepless nights and running out of money.
I prefer to look on the bright side, but just incase, I have talked myself into a new project which could earn me some money, will likely earn me some appreciation ( just as good except you cant pay the bills with it.), will help improve my skills in drawing portraits, improve my confidence , and be something I would like to be remembered for.
I am not sure where the idea came from. No ideas are completely original, but in this case I have been very impressed by drawings I have seen by people I follow on Twitter. Like Katherine and a scottish guy who does the most wonderful drawings. Then I think I saw someone else who had written a book about doing 100 portraits in a month.
I had already drawn the three elderly gentlemen and sold one of them.
So it came into my head that I could draw 50 people from Pisticci. Then I could make small prints of the the drawings, mount them together in a large frame and use it in exhibitions (Which I would like to do), advertising at markets ( people would stop to see folk they know) and maybe someone would even buy it for a shop or something.
I would also sell the drawings for 20 euros each to anyone who wanted their drawing.
Great idea, I thought , and before I could talk myself out of it I started telling people about it. I said It was a project that I wanted to do. I had to describe it in Italian and I know the word for project!
And before I knew it I had taken photos of 5 people. (And learned that it is better to take shots of people in groups because they are much more natural.)
You have no idea how much I have been wanting to do this for years, but have been too afraid to ask people if I could photograph them. But somehow saying that I am doing a project and drawing 50 people makes it ok.I want to draw all ages and have a very mixed group. I want to draw people I know and strangers and all thats needed is that they are from Pisticci.
So I am organised. I have cards to give to the people I draw so that they can see the drawings on a blog I am using to display them, I am making the portraits approximately A4 size. I have chosen the paper, I have some more people lined up to photograph. I am planning to make a small album with copies of the drawings already done so that I can show them to people I want to photograph which I can put in my handbag. And I have drawn the first 2 people.
Oh, and now that I have said all this I had better do it!!
It just doesn't feel right to have no photos on this post so will chose some I took last week.
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