Saturday, April 2, 2011

today in Pisticci

Am just back from Perth, probably prettiest town in Scotland, to my adopted home town ,Pisticci,the most beautiful town in the world according to some of its inhabitants.

This morning I went for a walk with my camera just to record how it is here today. It was warm , about 20 degrees and as usual I had far too many clothes on so was obliged to walk very slowly up the hill to save turning into a woolly beetroot. I have my image to think of!

It is a treat to walk slowly and take my time to see everything and say buon giorno to most people I meet. There are people sitting at their doors and I greeted one gentleman sitting reading the newspaper on the doorstep.

I always stop when I reach the railings and turn to look at dirupo. I can just see my studio underneath the church at the far corner.

Then I reach the fruit market at the end of the main street. There are people about and always cars. I take some photos as I love the colours of the fruit and veg and there is a lovely old stone chapel in the background.

After having a coffee in a bar where one of my paintings is hanging.( I am so impressed with myself when I see one of my paintings on display.) I take some more photos of people in the piazza and am heading off down the corsa when someone stops me and asks me for a business card. ( I am very impressed with that too.) Then the local photographer says buon giorno and I compliment him on the old photos of Pisticci in his window and he says he hopes they sell.(at least I think that s what he said.) and I carry on down the street stopping to take photos.

On the way down the hill someone shouts ,Signora. Its an elderly gentleman I have seen at the market. He greets me, gives me a sweetie and then walks off. Makes me smile all the way down the hill.

I take another route through dirupo so that I can take a photo of a pretty street and then arrive back at my studio where my flowers are alive.( alive is good!)

so now I am writing this. The door is open, net curtain flapping in the breeze and I am feeling very, very fortunate indeed.


  1. your life does sound like a movie!

    I didn't realize there was a Perth in Scotland.. i've heard of Perth, Australia LOL.

  2. Hi, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your post and pictures. I was looking up the town of pisticci because both my grandparents where born in the town, They moved to the United States, Brooklyn in fact. I was interested in seeing what pisticci looked like and just loved how you captured it in your photos. Thanks for posting, I feel like a made a visit. Maybe one day I will be able to see where my family originated from.

    1. thank you. you should come and visit. it is very pretty, but also the people are lovely.
